Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day seems like it has lasted all week :)
On Wednesday I accidental found my present as I was cleaning under our bed. Thursday morning Jared decided to go ahead and give me my present. Cal picked out a singing Mickey Mouse card... though he thinks it is his and marches around the house with it all the time. I also got a willow angel "Tenderness" and a massage during our weekend getaway in July. I've never has a massage so I'm a little nervous but it should be nice and relaxing.

Thursday morning was "Muffins with Mom" at Calvin's school. It was great because it gave me a chance to take an hour off of work and feel like one of the stay-at-home moms. He made me a beautiful flower pot and card. Thank you!

I told Jared that Saturday should be my mother's day because I have to share Sunday with everyone else ;) Jared had a final that morning so Cal and I went to the park for a breakfast play date. After that we had lunch, Cal napped, and I napped while watching a movie. Today, the real mother's day Cal woke up and threw up... poor guy! His temperature was 99.9 so we decided to stay home from church. Jared went to Gabba's house while I stayed home with Cal. He is finally feeling better now.
Happy Mother's Day to all!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Happy Mother's Day!! Sounds like you guys had a good weekend. So fun that you got to go to his school.
