Saturday, January 12, 2013

January Date!

One of my new years resolutions was for Jared and I to have monthly dates.  Pininterest gave me the idea from a post I found called  "Can of Dates." I modified it for us.... Jared and I both wrote down 6 date ideas. I put them in our champagne glasses from our wedding (which we never use) and the first of every month we draw one.   I hope this will be a great way for us to spend quality time together and have enjoy some new or old activities we enjoy.                                                                                 

This month was one of mine: Dallas date- Greenville Avenue and Half Price Books on Northwest Highway.  I know, you are all surprised. Why would I pick a bookstore when I know Jared takes hours to look?? I figured I could sit with a cup of coffee and read while Jared perused the bookstore. It was great! We ate at Twisted Root Burger which was amazing! 

 Thank you Russ & Cindy for watching the kids!!
