For some reason, Cal loves it when we "swaddle" him like the good old days. He loves playing in leaves and getting pushed by his Daddy on his bike. He is so big!!!
This weekend Cal and I drove down to Austin for my sister's baby shower. Little Dawson will be here in 4 weeks or less :) Cal was great on the drive down and back. He mainly slept, ate, sang to Joe Scruggs and watched a little Elmo. Cal loved playing with his PopPop... looking at the fish and playing "pachinka" (spelling?). Kenzie and Calvin had a fun sword fight. Saturday night (while all the adults were eating dinner), Kenz was clued to Dora and Cal cleaned up the place with his hand-vac. Fun weekend!
Today my district was closed because it was "icy"... which it wasn't!!! There was a very very thin layer of ice, but Cal and I got out at 9 to shop and it was fine. Jared's school opened at 10:00, so Cal and I hung out all day! It is a bummer I have to work on June 4th, but we had a great day playing and getting things done. Cal loved helping me make the bed, cook and organize the Tupperware cabinet. He finally enjoys baths again, so I took some cute bath pics.