So mommy had to go back to work this week :( I say it hasn't been rough, but once I am home and see how much time I've missed out with him, I get upset. Jared has been a big help this week. He takes Cal in the mornings and I pick him up. He has also been doing extra chores around the house so I can come home and just play with Cal. It seems like Cal is really growing up... the past week we have seen:
-Rolled over....Today Cal rolled over TWICE all by himself! I promise I didn't help at all! I tried to get it on video, but of course that didn't happen.
-Found his hands. He's been looking at them and then putting them in his mouth
-Smiling.... it seems to be more social smiling then "toot smiling", but can't be 100% considering he toots and poops all day long :)
-Coos... he's been a lot more vocal
-Looking... he's been concentrating a lot more on things
*The pics are of me Cal about to smile, but he gets too distracted by the camera
And Jared's cousin Holly with Big C
He looks so grown up! and he is smiling and rolling over already. WOW. I always wonder if I am going to miss something new when I drop MA off to the daycare... I know how you feel :( That is the price we, working Moms, have to pay for. I do wish I could just saty home with him and still make some $$$.
I can't wait to see him smile in a week!!! He is so cute. It took Kenzie forever to roll over...GO CALVIN!!!
Yeah, I don't think I could of left Alden at that age, but now I can't wait for every Mon, Wed and Fri! They grow up and things change so much so fast...
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