Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So our little man has not been himself lately. The past three nights he has been getting up every two hours and not to eat, just restless. My mother-in-law noticed two white spots on his bottom gum the other day. I researched it and babies can get teeth as early as 3 months, which he will be 3 months next Wednesday. He has had the symptoms too: drolling, fussy, restless, irregular sleep pattern, loose stool, stuffy nose. I bought some Teething Tablets today that are suppose to help with his fussiness. We will find out tonight!


Kristen said...

He just gets cuter every day!!! Give him a squeeze for me!

Mike and Karla Woods said...

I love this pictures! He is getting cuter by the second :) I feel bad for him and his teething. MA is also teething, he has one tooth half out already. Be ready they do cry really hard specially at night for some weird reason. MA wakes up screaming sometimes. I feel so bad for them :(. MA is in his 9 months size clothes already. I think Cal is so cute and hugable. I see him and I wnat to hug him and squeeze him :) I promise I will be gentle :)
