Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Part 3

We had a great Christmas with the Brown family! Christmas eve we celebrated with Gamma's side of the family. Her brother's side couldn't come because of the weather :( It may have been cold and snowy but Grandpa still grilled out for everyone... thank you Grandpa!! Cousin Dan got Cal his first toy gun... it was only a matter of time really.
Christmas morning we spent it with immediate family and Cal was the little elf. He was pretty good about who was who. He was spoiled once again with some awesome toys: football beanbag, tool bench, slippers, clothes & PJs, and toy cars. His favorite seemed to be the Nerf sword from Uncle Jordan and Aunt Casey... once again, only a matter of time :)
In the afternoon we headed to Mammie & Pawpaw's to spend time with Grandpa's side of the family. We had a great Christmas dinner and more presents. Cal got a bear that talks and sings. He dances along with the songs... too cute!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So fun that you guys had snow but sad that all the family couldn't make it. The boys in their matching pjs look adorable!! Gotta love that gun!
