Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ducks and Good News

Great news..... I passed all of my written comprehensive exams and my Praxis (exam I have to pass to get my state and national license)!! God is so good and he provided for our family abundantly!! I would say now I am in a "stress free zone" which feels great. I start up my last semester on June 6th. I am working at a nursing home in Bedford and will be taking 4 hours of course work. Only 8 weeks and I will REALLY be done. Jared also finished up his semester at UD. He is taking a research class this summer and will hopefully graduate May 2012. Then the PhD program applications will begin!!

Yesterday morning we went to the park to feed the ducks. Good family times :)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Those are great pictures!! Can you believe you are almost officially done!!! You will have so much time to do what you want :)
