Friday, March 27, 2009

The Best Daddy Ever!

Calvin and I (Mommy) have decided to give Daddy the
"Best Daddy Ever Award"!!!

Jared has blown away my expectations of his role as a father and husband. He watches Cal at least 2 1/2 days a week as he is still coaching part time at CCA. There are times when I think Jared is better at soothing Cal than I am. Maybe it's because Cal sees him more than me. All I know, is that I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful husband. I knew Jared would be a wonderful father one day when I married him. Who know he would take a day like today (when he could be reading at a coffee shop) to play, take care of, and enjoy our sweet baby boy. God is good!


Kristen said...

Yippee for awesome husbands and daddys!

Mike and Karla Woods said...

YEAH Congrats!for a good husband and Daddy :) You are right God is good :)
