Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cal Crawls!!!

About 3 weeks ago Cal started trying to crawl.... legs and arms flailing. The past few days he has been getting up on all fours and rocking. Tonight he finally crawled!!! He only went about a foot, but he did it! Would you all like to know the secret??? A pen! I had it in my hand and then put it in front of him and he started reaching for it. It was so neat to see him finally crawl and figure out that he can move forward.... watch out Gamma! He has also started making farting noises with his mouth. We have not been successful getting that on video yet.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend with Mommy

Daddy went to St. Louis with Uncle Jordan for the weekend for some Cardinals baseball games, so Cal and Mommy were on their own. We had fun playing, cuddling, and missing Daddy :(

The flash is TOO bright!!

Much better.

Cal helped Mommy get the flower bed ready for some Spring flowers.

It doesn't look like much, but it was a lot of work. It was hard trying to plant the flowers with Cal eating leaves and grass... good times.

Cal discovering his "Little People: Farm"
Cal, "Hey, this is so fun! I can chew on the pieces AND throw them!"

Cal and Mommy made Daddy a carmel cream cheese pie. If you can't tell, it says, "We missed u!"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cute Face

This is Cal's new cute face. I don't know what it means, but it is adorable!

Cal and Daddy

Calvin has the blessing of spending so much time with his Daddy. Here is a video and some picutres of my boys hanging out.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

8 months old

Happy 8 months old Big C!!

Cal seems to be a Daddy's boy, but we are working on saying "Mama".

Yankee Jerseys

My boys in their Yankee gear. So handsome!

Calvin Claps!

On Thursday, Calvin started to clap!! He also understands when you say, "Clap you hands." It is so neat to seem him learning and starting to comprehend more. Go Cal!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sippy Cup

Cal has started to get the hang of his sippy cup. I think he just chews on it, but it helps with teething :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Easter

Cal had a great first Easter with Grandma and Grandpa. He looked super cute with a matching spring outfit with Cousin Liam.

Cal, "Liam, what is going on here?"

Liam, "I don't know, but I'm exhausted!"

Calvin, "Man, are done yet?"

Liam, "Fine, one more cute picture."

Cal, "I'm out of here!"

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Toy

Grammie and Mom found the coolest toy at a resale shop in North Richland Hills. It has baseball, football and basketball. Cal's favorite is slam dunking the basketball.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Early Easter with Grammie & Pop-Pop

Grammie and Pop-Pop came intown early Friday morning to see Calvin for Easter weekend. We had lots of fun shopping, playing, swinging, playing at the park, and discovering this Easter basket thing.

What's this stuff in here and why is everyone staring at me and taking pictures!?

Forget this basket, what's going on outside?

Thanks Pop-Pop and Dadddy for fixing up the backyard with my swing!

Oh, how I love to swing!

We found a baby pool on sale and couldn't pass it up. Cal is ready for a swim..... or to be trapped in so everyone can eat dinner!

Cal got his first pair of shoes that actually fit! I think Cal has some fat feet action going on. All the shoes that are long enough, are too tight around his foot, but we found these awesome blue ones :)

Baseball time

What is Pop-Pop doing with that grass? Is that a bird I hear?

Grammie is so fun to play with

Texas Rangers!

Don't worry everyone, Cal is still a big fan of the Rangers. He really isn't sure which is his favorite yet, Rangers or Yankees. Only time will tell :)
"What's this? Can I eat it?"

Cute family picture.

"Mommy, can I have that cool hat?"

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Go Yankees!

Calvin is very excited about his first Yankee Baseball season! Today he enjoyed wearing his Jeter outfit while watching a pre-season game. They have their first real game Monday and the first game in the new stadium will be on Thursday. Don't worry, Cal will be watching it intently and routing for our favorite players... Jeter, Tex, Matsui, and Posada.


Our rose bush has bloomed again and it is so beautiful! Grammie did a good job fixing it up for us :)
