Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend with Mommy

Daddy went to St. Louis with Uncle Jordan for the weekend for some Cardinals baseball games, so Cal and Mommy were on their own. We had fun playing, cuddling, and missing Daddy :(

The flash is TOO bright!!

Much better.

Cal helped Mommy get the flower bed ready for some Spring flowers.

It doesn't look like much, but it was a lot of work. It was hard trying to plant the flowers with Cal eating leaves and grass... good times.

Cal discovering his "Little People: Farm"
Cal, "Hey, this is so fun! I can chew on the pieces AND throw them!"

Cal and Mommy made Daddy a carmel cream cheese pie. If you can't tell, it says, "We missed u!"

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Calvin, you are such a good helper! The cake looks sooooo yummy :)
