Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day Dad

I wanted to send out a special "Happy Father's Day" to my Dad. I have so many cherished memories with him growing up....
-going out for ice cream
-play Pachinko
-playing in his office
-watching movies
-learning to ride my bike
-fun games that he made up at our birthday parties
-he made me a balance beam to practice my gymnastics skills.. which weren't very much
-swimming at the neighborhood pool

Thank you Dad for all that you did for me growing up! Also for how you continually love and support me and my family. And you know, it is really because of him that I was born. My big sis was 5 and my Dad told my Mom he thought they should have another kid. Mom was happy with only one but it sure is a good thing Dad talked her into it :)

Here is a pic of my Dad and I on my first birthday.

Now PopPop is creating so many special memories with my son..... Thank you!

Love, your little girl who isn't so little any more :)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So sweet!! We love our Pop Pop!
