Jared is...
1. working part time at Camp Grapevine driving the bus for field trips. He works MWF from 11:30 to 3:30.
2. taking an independent study and meeting with his professor T/Th 12-1
3. teaching a middle school student Biblical Greek.. I think two 45 min sessions a week.
Mel is...
1. working at a skilled nursing facility for my last internship MWF 8-12
2. taking 4 hours of course work to finish up degree.. TTh 3:30-6:30
Cal is...
1. playing with mom and dad
2. going to the Hurst pool so he can get ready for his August swim lessons
3. playing outside with the water table and in our little pool
4. going to story time once a week
5. playing at Gabba's house with his cousins
Can you tell I'm excited!! :)
1 comment:
Sounds like a great summer!
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