Friday, September 25, 2009

Cal's First Concert

Grammie and PopPop came up to visit Ruth & JR this weekend, and they just couldn't come up here without seeing Big Cal! Cal and I met up everyone for a fun Friday night, at Red Barn BBQ in NRH. We watched "3 Fools on 3 Stools" which is a Texas style folk band. The band didn't start until 8 pm... Cal's bedtime! He was fascinated... we left about 9:15 only because Mommy thought it was about time to go.

Sitting outside in the beautiful weather with Pop-Pop

Watching the fish in the pond with Grammie.

The band: 3 Fools on Stools

By 9 pm... Cal was wiped!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

You guys have seen more of Mom and Dad the last month than we have and we only live 20 minutes away!! The concert looks like fun!
