Thursday, August 20, 2009

1 year old!!

Our little baby boy isn't a baby any more! He is officially one year old!

Cal's favorite things to do these days:
-Walk all over the place-
-Talk: dada, dog, door, this, shoe, etc. (of course he says variations of these)
-Give hugs and kisses
-Drink his milk from a straw cup.. big boy!
-Play with his Gamma while Mom & Dad are at work
-Go to the park and play outside
-Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar
-Sit in his big chair and have a snack while he watches the first 10 minutes of Back Yardagains

It is hard to get a good shot of Cal just sitting or standing these days. Always on the move....


Phillip, April and Alden said...

Wow! he is looking so much older these days, they grow up too fast, huh?

Kristen said...

Such a cutie! He'll always be your baby :)
