Tuesday, August 25, 2009

End of Summer

I'm am in my second week of work and for some reason it's not getting easier. I figured last year would've been harder since he was a newborn, but this year is. The only reason I can come up with, is that he is so much fun these days! When I went to work last year he wasn't this interactive and fun. It's like I don't want to miss anything. But I know he is having a blast with his Gamma and I'd rather him be sharing special moments with his Grandma than a stranger. Lets pray next week when I start grad school again I will be too busy to think about it!

Cal and I had fun this summer going to the library and playing.... more playing than reading.

Jared's grandparents, Mammie & PawPaw, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Cal and Liam had fun taking pictures :)


Kristen said...

Yeah...it has to be hard going back after getting to spend the summer with Calvin. He is just so cute...I like the library pics.

Mike and Karla Woods said...

I know the feeling and you are right at least he spends time with a relative than a stranger...I feel bad about my MA because of that but there is not much I can really do right now about it. So I do hope it gets a little bit better for you. I am still struggling with the feelings everyday :( I still don't understand how some 'Moms' can just abandon their children...I juts can be without mine for too long...10 hours/day is enough pain!
